A total of 10146 matches were played in total. Of which, 9686 are decided and 460 ended in ties.
There were 163160 lost turns due to errors and 0 turns were lost due to 1 second time limit (maybe I should get myself a crappier server...).
Here is the final top 10 ranking of the tournament:
# | Name | Score | Wins | Loses | Ties | W/L Ratio |
1 | Sun Wang Jun | 1751 | 1094 | 53 | 2 | 20.64 |
2 | Yao Yujian | 1576 | 367 | 34 | 0 | 4.29 |
3 | Antony Karukapally | 1302 | 293 | 106 | 19 | 2.76 |
4 | Low Weilin | 1230 | 303 | 111 | 6 | 2.73 |
5 | Kang Hong Jin | 1183 | 269 | 136 | 12 | 1.98 |
6 | Song Keang | 993 | 857 | 440 | 17 | 1.95 |
7 | Chng Xinni | 975 | 1274 | 632 | 28 | 2.02 |
8 | Diga Widyaprana | 944 | 189 | 221 | 11 | 0.86 |
9 | Han Liang Wee, Eric | 692 | 678 | 887 | 46 | 0.76 |
10 | [Sample Code] | 471 | 2091 | 1776 | 78 | 1.18 |
Congratulations to all winners :)
A.I.ttakatta is a round-based artificial intelligence game.
Each player must write a JavaScript program that will instruct the fleet of unmanned spacecraft to perform certain actions in a particular round. The ultimate goal in a match is annihilation of the opponent's fleet.
Here is an example program:
var ours = universe.getPlanets().filter(function(p){ return p.getOwner() === universe.getPlayerId(); }); var theirs = universe.getPlanets().filter(function(p){ return p.getOwner() !== universe.getPlayerId(); }); ours.forEach(function(x){ theirs.forEach(function(y){ x.send(20, y); }); });
This program will be executed at the start of every round. If the program does not return within the time limit, the program will lose its turn that round.
IMPORTANT: there is no particular advantage in score if you submit early or late. This is because of how scoring is done--the score will eventually become more accurate as more matches are played. To allow an accurate representation of relative strength, submission will close on Friday, 27 September and 2 whole days of matches will be carried out before the ranking is finalized.
Click here for a quick reference to the API. For a more complete guide see the information handbook. For a complete JavaScript reference, see MDN.
UPDATE (23 Sep): timeout occurs after 120 rounds (reduced from 500). Ties are not tie broken. Ties benefit lower elo player and harms high elo player.
Top 5 players in rank will choose prizes from a list. The 1st ranking player will get to choose first.
The prizes consists of the following Steam games:
To submit your program, all you need to do is to log into the game and upload a text file with a .js extension (e.g. example.js).
For any enquiries, please email [email protected]